Ryan Neuman (diciestryan)'s status on Sunday, 24-Nov-13 05:29:38 UTC

  1. i really love hearing my sister talk behind my back when i can clearly hear them -.- all this happen today because me and my mom came home from grocery shopping and i got my snack food etc. and we forgot her salad that we always get for her everyyyy week. and she gets all mad and screams at everyone saying shes the slave in the house etc. how she spends 200$ for rent. ok. when you find a land lord that pays the bills buy food for the house for everyone paying for wifi andd tv come back to me on that -.- i really lost alot of respect for her. telling me and my other sister were screw ups and stuff. she really pushed it this time. i cant even go out of my room without hesitation of her now. i really hope they move out soon. i think my mom and other sister agrees to. rant over.

    Sunday, 24-Nov-13 05:29:38 UTC from web in context