Brendan (haganbmj)'s status on Sunday, 24-Jul-11 01:08:32 UTC

  1. @princessrabbitsandponiesareawesome Yeah apparently that's the primary setting too - which is awesome. "Her [Korra's] quest leads her to the epicenter of the modern “Avatar” world, Republic City – a metropolis that is fueled by steampunk technology. It is a virtual melting pot where benders and non-benders from all nations live and thrive. However, Korra discovers that Republic City is plagued by crime as well as a growing anti-bending revolution that threatens to rip it apart. Under the tutelage of Aang’s son, Tenzin, Korra begins her airbending training while dealing with the dangers at large.”

    Sunday, 24-Jul-11 01:08:32 UTC from web in context