Newmoon Winter (newmoonwinter)'s status on Sunday, 15-Dec-13 07:00:19 UTC

  1. @stupidlyclever
    The only thing that i can say about my game is that it takes place on a planet where the magical, spiritual and physical realms exist as one... the project name is called Project Gem. as for the anime i'm still writing the first episode, so all i can tell you is that there are going to be a few nods to FiM and during the series there are going to be lessons to be learned. it will have humor for all ages... this is my fourth version of my anime, the other versions had too much fighting, which would greatly reduce my audience. that's why i'm using this fourth version, because it opens up my target audience.

    Sunday, 15-Dec-13 07:00:19 UTC from web in context