Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 17:01:33 UTC

  1. Spotlight Music: Time Is an Adventure / Employment / Pegasus Device (Viricide Filly Remix): We have another awesome one from 4everfreebrony with a some Feather joining in on the vocals from their , followed by a song dedicated to Coco Pummel funk-rock style, and finish with a remix of Sylphstorm's Pegasus Device in a much darker style.  Get them all below! 1.) 4everfreebrony - Time Is an Adventure (ft. Feather) + [ALBUM R >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/03/spotlight-music-time-is-adventure.html http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/695431

    Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 17:01:33 UTC from Sethisto