Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Mar-14 02:01:33 UTC

  1. MLP # Main Comic Preview on iTunes: The 17th installment of the main series My Little Pony comic is arriving on the 19th of this month, and iTunes already has a p.  If you aren't running an apple tablet, you can find the full size pages below, along with the synopsis.  This is probably going to be one of the biggest world building comics we have seen yet, so expect some awesome. >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/03/mlp-17-main-comic-preview-on-itunes.html http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/695967

    Wednesday, 05-Mar-14 02:01:33 UTC from Sethisto