Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Thursday, 08-May-14 21:45:01 UTC

  1. @princelypublictimeline I know the kind of people you're talking about. The kind that talk about evolution despite knowing nothing about it other than "monkeys come from humans blasphemy lol". They're the kind of people that don't know that the scientific method involves drawing conclusions from facts, not the other way around. They're the kind of people who don't know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis. They're the kind of people who don't know that Charles Darwin didn't even use the word "evolve" or any of its variants in "On the Origin of Species" because the word implied progress, and his ideas involved adaptation. The kind of people who are too close minded to research the ideas they're condemning but have the audacity to berate you for not going to their church. With this in mind, I feel like I should say that I do have friends offline who are Christian who are great and intelligent people, and what I'm saying above refers to a specific few I've encountered.

    Thursday, 08-May-14 21:45:01 UTC from web in context