Kimberly Martin (lonehowler)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:21:30 UTC

  1. As for racism. Before we had the random selection machines I'd get the racist card pulled on me often. For example I randomly choose 100 upper middle class white people then choose one random colored person suddenly I'm racist because I chose them even though the majority of my ticks on my sheet have been upper class white people. I've even seen them try to pull the race card with my colored coworkers, who are often a darker shade of brown than they are! Personally I won't tolerate reverse racism and I'm not afraid to call them out on it "you are calling me a racist because I'm white is it? Personally I don't give a crap what color you are, culturally speaking I'm color blind. I chose your bag because you failed to remove the water bottle from your bag not because your skin happens to be darker than my pasty hardly ever sees the sun whiteness. If you continue to have a problem with my color you can speek to my supervisor. See him the one with the turban?"

    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:21:30 UTC from web