Danny Mayhem (vanillabelle)'s status on Thursday, 04-Aug-11 04:24:29 UTC

  1. !calgarybronies aaaah cute OC overload ^.^ I'm glad though I was wondering if people were mostly just fans of the show, or if they were generating their own material as well. I'm a dork so clearly I like making up my own pony chars in my head lol. I wonder if on some separate site we could somehow make a OC calgary pony directory with profiles on them and stuff. But perhaps that's too ambitious. @conjure If you felt like writing up the descriptions and back stories of your ponies, I'd read them! I enjoy fan fiction or even just reading short descriptive blurps. @autumnfrost I'd also commission you too for pony art! I was loving your art at the meeting.

    Thursday, 04-Aug-11 04:24:29 UTC from web in context