Nathaniel Labhairt Coltingway III (nightlight)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:02:00 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark I suppose you're right. It just seemed to me that there would be more of their target audience of MLP:FiM that would buy the product as opposed to collectors and such. I'm not so sure that the older fans who watched the original series and whatnot would be very numerous. Plus, the collectors would swipe anything that Hasbro flings at them anyway, if they're true collectors. Or they'd be constantly bidding for the original Firefly or some other early generation pony. I think they may eventually release product for the new audiences at some point in the future. Perhaps when the bronies are comfortable enough to buy MLP stuff out in the open.

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:02:00 UTC from web in context