Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:10:15 UTC

  1. @leonkfox Because Bronies aren't a large portion of the market. Hasbro's overriding concern at all times, is making as much money as possible. If bronies were a good way to do that long term, they would be all over us. There may be big-corporate inertia involved to an extent here, but when you talk to them and they come off as dismissive, it's because they genuinely don't care. Little girls are where the real money is. The margins are better. A little girl that buys a brushable Fluttershy makes them way more cash than a brony who's demanded they set up a new factory and buy more shelf-space for show accurate Celestia.

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:10:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context