Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:37:38 UTC

  1. @leonkfox On the contrary, I'd love to see stuff I wouldn't be ashamed to purchase being made. I just don't think it's going to happen. You keep saying they'd make extra money, but my point is that Hasbro has almost certainly checked and determined that they won't do. Bronies might be an extra market, but producing stuff from scratch for us is ludicrously expensive and probably has a very long ROI period. For all we know, after Season 2, they might want to switch up the designs again. Then what? They're stuck with factories tooled to produce the wrong ponies that still haven't paid off their costs, so Hasbro find themselves in the same position as before, only now they're several million dollars in the hole for it.

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 10:37:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context