Danny Mayhem (vanillabelle)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:08:23 UTC

  1. !calgarybronies @autumnfrost I'm looking for some Dashy goodness and AJ figures! Those two are my favorites so I'd like to collect those ones. I think I like the blind bag figures more though then the ones with hair. The solid manes look better to me, more like the animated counterparts. However I'm not too familiar with what merchandise is out there. @darcyblue I voted "maybe" because I don't think I would go to a bar or club but a house party depending on the location might be ok. I'm also not a big drinker and on the weekends I have to be at work by 6am so I usually don't stay out too late. But the rest of you who can should do it! I was actually thinking *maybe* in Sept having a small bronie house party if there is interest.

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 23:08:23 UTC from web