rgtrehhrth (iegthuong)'s status on Saturday, 06-Aug-11 21:23:40 UTC

  1. You're now watching two strangers discuss your question! Question to discuss: Are you a brony? Stranger 2: <3 Stranger 1: eeyup Stranger 2: Rarity is best pony Stranger 1: three way brohoof Stranger 1: (yes she is) Stranger 2: Glamorous brohoof! Stranger 1: lol fabulous darling Stranger 2: Best background pony is Pokey Stranger 1: that's not how you spell octavia... Stranger 2: He's so happy doing what he does. Stranger 1: he's a pretty cool guy, but he's no steven magnet. Stranger 2: Steven Magnet is amazing, but he's no pony Stranger 1: Feels bad man. Stranger 2: Indeed. Stranger 1: most fabulous mustache in all of equestria Stranger 2: With half the mustache being Rarity's tail, how could it possibly not be? Stranger 1: WA-HA-HAAA Stranger 2: Anyway, we agree on too much for this to be an interesting conversation. Have a good day. Stranger 2 has disconnected

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 21:23:40 UTC from web