Astra (astra)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 00:54:08 UTC

  1. @fluttersky Well, I've been here for a couple of months now -- blame @princessluna for my finding out about this place -- but I started watching things around . . . March, I think? A few friends sent me clips from it, because they said that Fluttershy reminded them of me. Specifically, the one where Twilight meets her (if I meet someone with an animal in passing, I will often barely make eye contact with the person, but sometimes have lengthy cheerful conversations with their animal companion), and when Rainbow Dash teaches her how to cheer (I've long done that quiet little, "Yay," in celebration of something). After that, I started watching the shows, and couldn't get enough of them! :)

    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 00:54:08 UTC from web in context