baka dashie (bakarainbowdash)'s status on Monday, 19-Jan-15 22:10:38 UTC

  1. over 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. had a dream. a dream for people of the united states not to be discriminated and segregated by race or color of skin. sadly, over 50 years have passed and that dream has not come true. we took action. we gave blacks and colored the right to vote, public schools, and stopped segregation with law. unfortunately, people can dissobey the law. many don't dissobey the laws of our country but people still do and this law was no acception. people still discriminated blacks and colored. people were unjustly violent and harmful to them. now in 2015, blacks are being shot by whites and the white judges rule the whites actions as accidental. immigrants struggle to become U.S. citizens and gain the right to. the civil rights movement is not behind us. even if you're not in the U.S. or want nothing to do with htis matter, know that it is wrong. today is Martin Luther King jr. day in the U.S., and things still haven't gotten totally better

    Monday, 19-Jan-15 22:10:38 UTC from web