Jaden Stock (princehikaru)'s status on Friday, 12-Aug-11 08:50:21 UTC

  1. @angel what if you became a cop and you were sitting with the other cops enjoying doughnuts and you dropt a doughnut on your tazer and it cam to life then it beat you up stoll your tazer and brought the rest of the doughnuts to life and they trapped you in the jail cells then 2 weeks later you found out the doughnuts enslaved the world and relized you had a nail file for some odd reason escaped from the jail cell and started to fight off the doughnuts and you keeped fighting until you found out the king of the doughnuts was your best friend and that your best friend was a jelly filled doughnut this whole time and you had no idea and your like what the heck how could i have not noticed that and the only way to free the human race was to eat your best friend

    Friday, 12-Aug-11 08:50:21 UTC from web