Jonathan Conrad (fnordly)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 02:44:14 UTC

  1. @fnordly notes that there is the big G, and then there is the little g. When you are pressed back into your kitty seat and the car goes zoom-zoom, you may measure that exciting feeling in gees. You would say that that plane exerted 3Gs on you, for example, but that is the little G. It is a number of times like what you are stuck to this piece of dirt that you call home. The big G is hard to understand. It is the special number that you have to take into consideration with astronomical calculations. The earth and the moon are drawn together, as there is nothing to stop them from being together. You can measure the force by considering the mass of one times the mass of the other divided by the square of the distance between the two. Of course, you have to convert it to metrics for the Canadians that can't read English, as the concision of Samuel L Jackson would imply import. So, we have the big G to multiply in to that equation. Rarity is the one that controls how much of that G we get.

    Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 02:44:14 UTC from web in context