Ellis (ellistia)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Dec-15 23:00:59 UTC

  1. Yesterday I had a filling done under inhalation sedation. It was nice. Still got this damn broken tooth though, and a few days ago, the nightly pains came back. Just in time for christmas. Last night had another "so painful I literally can't do anything but lay on my bed and writhe" moment. The dentist yesterday actually offered to do the tooth extraction rather than the filling (which is what the appointment was for). Though she did warn that it would leave me with persistent pain/discomfort which would have probably lasted through the holiday. So I thought I'd just stick to the original plan since I was going into unfamiliar territory with the sedation anyway. So now I know kinda what's gonna go down for the tooth extraction (which I'm still waiting for an appointment for), and that it's rather pleasant.

    Wednesday, 23-Dec-15 23:00:59 UTC from web in context