Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Friday, 15-Jan-16 14:37:24 UTC

  1. @bigpony All the coloured albums have definitely marked really specific points in their career, and I imagine The White Album will in turn have a pretty distinct sound (reflective of their past material's pop sensibilities but in a modern context). I guess EWAITE ended up growing on me so much because I hold those first 2 Weezer albums really near and dear and while I haven't hated every post 90s release they've had I feel that EWAITE was a sort of "return to form" that reminded me why I love the band in the first place. Admittedly the album didn't tread much of any new ground but I feel like these past few years Weezer have been trying to get genuinely serious about their music again while maintaining its lovably awkward charm and that's got me really excited. The White Album feels like a reconciliation of their career up until this point, and if the singles we've heard so far are indicative of how the rest of the record will sound I think it'll be really good.

    Friday, 15-Jan-16 14:37:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context