★ (starshine)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 04:49:08 UTC

  1. @purpletinker 100 attendees doesn't really make a convention in my book. It's just a big meetup, and I think it's only that big because you're promoting the heck out of it everywhere and pushing people to come from way out of state. By that logic we could have a "convention" in Columbus too. As for helping other groups? You sure didn't help us. As I recall, you replied to me when I was struggling to make arrangements for the August meetup, but instead of offering advice or help, you just said that you're aware that it's hard to do that stuff because you run the NYC group and oh by the way you've got a huge event coming up. And I think that putting your own stuff at the top of the site so prominently because you happen to run this site is toeing the line of inappropriate self-promotion, if not crossing it. And yes, I'm ranting.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 04:49:08 UTC from web in context