RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Sunday, 20-Nov-16 04:42:29 UTC

  1. @rarity I suppose you can see it as such, but I don't think they should be banned from thinking in whatever way they want as long as they don't try to enforce their ideas on outsiders. As for the Pope my opinion is divided, on one side I think he does a great job of being pious and enacting the more altruistic aspects of the christian faith, but on the other hand he meddles way too much in local politics here, and openly endorsed criminals like Milagro Sala because he considered they helped the poor when in fact they were stealing state money and keeping the poor in a vice grip for political reasons using federal aid as leverage in a "you don't vote for us, you starve" way, which goes against almost every tennant of christianity. If he just kept to religion and stayed out of politics outside the Vatican I'd be completely positive towards him though.

    Sunday, 20-Nov-16 04:42:29 UTC from web in context