theironpony's status on Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:21:18 UTC

  1. @mrbrown I've been on here three months more than you. I was here back when cabal was still the admin. I'm well versed in the rules, I just lurk more often than not. Well, "brony" is a portmanteau of /b/, bro, and pony. I've met a couple people who thought they actually couldn't call themselves bronies because they were female. I, honestly, have no quarrels with the term itself. I think it's rather brilliant, but I don't like how it seems to have a "Guys only" sign tacked onto it (be it intentional or not). I've heard female fans use either "fillies" or more commonly Pegasisters. Personally, I'm more fond of the latter and I hope it actually catches on.

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:21:18 UTC from web in context