delete_ (remove)'s status on Friday, 02-Sep-11 12:15:09 UTC

  1. @retl As much as I remember, # was an animation about a single pink-and-red filly in a dark cloak with some kind of humanoid-ish type of partner (my best guess is a mutilation of the diamond dog idea?) goes around kicking tail and taking names, not afraid to pony up against resistance, especially when it comes to defending her friends. Most of the scenes I saw were dark scenes with very contrasting lighting effects for attacks and things, and seemed to be mostly night time or underground. Eventually when I saw a surface scene, it was veeeery obviously taking after Ponyville, but all the houses were styled after giant mushrooms. So there was less friendshipping for learning, and more friendshipping and teamwork to defeat the enemy of the week (I'd say monster, but in that dream, nothing they were fighting wasn't an _equal_ as in another pony or similar. There were no monsters. Unless we're counting dragons and manticores?)

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 12:15:09 UTC from web in context