Edward Engelhardt (pizzicato)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 17:46:38 UTC

  1. @gangstashy I spent a lot of time brushing it, getting all the knots and tangles out, then I wet it using really hot water, put some conditioner in it, rinsed it out, again with really hot water, towel dried it, then I brushed it some more, to get all of the knots and tangles from drying out of it. Then I laid her on her side (aww yea) and brushed her hair out straight, and cut a strip of a paper towel to put around her hair (so as to absorb the water), then put some foil around the paper towel (to keep it rigid). Let it dry, brush again, and POW, straight pony hair. Or as straight as you can get it.

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 17:46:38 UTC from web in context