naa's status on Thursday, 08-Sep-11 12:03:17 UTC

  1. Oh yeah, I did forget one detail. For some reason as we're initially running away from the bombs everyone in my group ends up in a giant clothes store, and some collectible toys are there, and I end up talking about some Thomas (Railway Series) things I saw, said I watched "the show" (didn't come around 'till the 80's) and we had a brief conversation about it, I even said how odd it was from my perspective to see the franchise so far back in history...when the dream was set as if that was present time, and even weirder was the fact this kid casually had this conversation as bombs were falling. Is my sub concious trying to tell me that I'm a crazy son of a bit...colt or what?

    Thursday, 08-Sep-11 12:03:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context