steve (youtubeusurperkingzant)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 00:57:46 UTC

  1. @eaglehooves The whole dispute's about 2 things: space and TV. 1 of my complains is how he watches TV 6 hours a day and I can't focus on any school work. He wants to watch until 2am and I have 8am classes every weekday. So far I've slept through I think 7 classes and if I manage to wake up after those nights, I'm like a zombie when my last class happens. | And as for space, he brings so much stuff that he needs so much space to store his stuff. It's overlapping into my side of the room. My side is at most 1/3 of the room. I've used his fridge only twice in 1.5 months and he complains that I'm "using

    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 00:57:46 UTC from web in context