naa's status on Saturday, 22-Oct-11 19:06:33 UTC

  1. Seriously, some people's reaction to Luna's character reminds me of the Sonic fans that cry "RUINED FOREVAR!!!111" every 5 seconds -_- Some have even gone as far as to do the whole "I am DONE with this show." at which point I want to add Pinkie Pie's "FOREVER!" to the end of the sentence. Not liking an episode is understandable and well within their right, I dislike a few myself, but to react like that over Luna's character? I think some people in the FiM fanbase take fanon way too seriously. I don't read or write fanfics so I've avoided that for the most part. They based this image of Luna off of one single line of dialogue, which makes it even more ridiculous to me.

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 19:06:33 UTC from web in context