Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 10:36:41 UTC

  1. @frdrgnsg88 D&D Online? One of our regulars @Flaxx plays it. You should hit him up and see if he wants to join you at some time. He's really nice. Lately I've been playing a lot of indie stuff on XBLA, and going back over a few things I'd inexplicably missed before. I recently really enjoyed co-opping my way through Halo and Gears of War. I also play a lot of JRPG's, love Forza and Gran Turismo, and am looking forward to at some point playing Battlefield 3.

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 10:36:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context