Jacob (herbalgreen)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 18:37:11 UTC

  1. @flaxx Well, after this week, I get some relaxing time. Plus, I have next Friday off. :3 Also, I would LOVE to see that picture when it is done! : D I've always been a big fan of Luna, and now I have even more of a reason to love her! :3 I'm also planning on buying either this shirt: http://tinyurl.com/3qow5to or this shirt: http://tinyurl.com/3m57fm5. I have this one: http://tinyurl.com/3wdqtdr, but now I want/need one with Luna's newer design on it! :3 So... Much... Pony... :3

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 18:37:11 UTC from web in context