Michael Welsh (redbacksigil)'s status on Monday, 07-Nov-11 16:55:07 UTC

  1. So, I was havin a splendid day today. Got to school early due to perfect buses and trains, lessons were going well, ppl were friendly, was one step closer to converting another brony (I convinced him to join me for an episode tomorrow). Then there came the audition for the Revue. I had no way to play the backin track out loud, and then the big band ppl kicked me out so they could practice. Then it was all downhill frm there. My USB got erased, my DT work wouldnt print right, i lost my comb...needless to say, I think my feelings right about now can be summed up thusly: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/201/f/8/mlp___fim__angry_pinkamena_by_sileresp-d413vjf.png

    Monday, 07-Nov-11 16:55:07 UTC from web