delete_ (remove)'s status on Sunday, 13-Nov-11 15:29:20 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark For VI, it may make more sense to either drop the Use Common Sense, make it its own rule, or move it to the end of the text for the rule. It seems to give the impression that the body will be about how to use common sense, but the body of it is more about not taking minor rule breaking to an extreme. It also doesn't explain *why* one shouldn't bother mods for every little thing, even if that might seem common sense to you and me. Generally, "common sense" comes off as a terrible line to see in any rule that isn't invoking questions of sanity and the state of a human being's mind. These rules aren't built for that kind of matter. Explaining said "common sense" or obvious observation in simple words makes it harder to circumvent. -- RE: "VI) Use common sense. Don't pester the mods over every little thing. If someone doesn't want to be your friend, or the "f-word" got used once, or an # tag was forgotten and the link wasn't that bad, don't be a tattle-tale."

    Sunday, 13-Nov-11 15:29:20 UTC from web in context