delete_ (remove)'s status on Sunday, 13-Nov-11 15:35:03 UTC

  1. @ceruleanspark Re: Rule V "that's role play" -> "that's considered role play". A little knit-picky, but I'm pretty sure this rule wouldn't show up in a denotative definitions of the term in any dictionary. Using considered makes it slightly more clear that if it isn't the case elsewhere, it is the case in the present context that this will be treated in this manner. || Re: Rule III) More knit-picking, but unlike the other rule, I have no hard suggestion for this one. "Occasional slips". Occasional is a loose term, and someone could say "Oh, I don't do it that often." to get by with what might be excessive to someone else. Now sometimes, communities can self balance this, which is why I say take this particular knitpick with a grain of salt, but I prefer to see statements like this quantified. Either defined with "less than x(slips)/n(posts/days)" or "X strikes" or "only if someone complains" so that cases of people saying "Oh! I didn't know!" doesn't serve as easy weasel room.

    Sunday, 13-Nov-11 15:35:03 UTC from web in context