lilytheamazingfaintingpony's status on Thursday, 24-Nov-11 21:16:30 UTC

  1. @vendix The cyan coat made me think of g1, and when I thought of g1, I thought of this old character I had in a He-man-inspired rpg. Her name was Skye Emerald of the Air Knights, surfing through the skyes on a hummingboard (yes, she was a knight that SURFED ON AIR). Anyway, her big goal in life was to look for the Long Lost Laser Lance of Lazar, and then she (chatters happily away into infinity about his many rpg characters)...(Hours later)so then the Black Ratter made the evil cultists take a SCIENTOLOGY PERSONALITY TEST, can you believe it!

    Thursday, 24-Nov-11 21:16:30 UTC from web in context