Daniel (redtie)'s status on Saturday, 26-Nov-11 23:17:48 UTC

  1. !vancouverbronies EVERYPONY LISTEN UP! Those who would like to take part in the MLP drinking game party thing should be at metrotown skytrain station at noon on sunday. If you have a smart phone message me on Rainbowdash net when you get there. If not then go to the large fountain near the malls entrance that has two dolphin statues(DM me if you want my actual phone number). Everyone drink a bottle of something or enough cash so booze can be purchased. We can then check out some stores for pony merch, and then We will go to my place watch some pony and listen to some music and start the game around 5 or 6 if Maxig is still down for showing up. we coudl start the game earlier and include Maxig later on. My plan is that we will all finish our drinks before 10 or 11. YOU WILL NEED A WAY TO GET HOME! My couch has already been called by GaryOak.

    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 23:17:48 UTC from web in context