Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark (ceruleansparkold)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 09:56:50 UTC

  1. @purplephish20 The unions taking part in the strike are: The Association of Educational Psychologists, Aspect, Association of Teachers and Lecturers, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the Educational Institute of Scotland, the First Division Association, GMB, National Association of Head Teachers, Napo (family court and probation staff), the teachers' union NASUWT, Northern Ireland Public Service Association, National Union of Teachers, Public and Commercial Services Union, Prospect, the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, the Society of Radiographers, UCAC (one of the Welsh teachers' unions), Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians, University and College Union, Unison and Unite.

    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 09:56:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context