naa's status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 18:51:57 UTC

  1. Should mention this now it's come to mind, but I had a really weiird dream last night. It was the middle of the night on the sea in the middle of nowhere, and I was atop of these randomly placed planks of wood. A thunderstorm was brewing, and lightning eventually came into it. I saw some reindeer fly overhead for no god damn reason, INTO said storm. I shout up at them not to, and I hear someone say "It's a scripted event, you can't stop it" randomly, and to top it all of I could hear choir singing the introduction song to Mickey's Christmas Carol "Joy to the Children" in the midst of all this. What...just...what? Screw drugs, I'll just settle for one of my dreams!

    Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 18:51:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context