Starrlet (iamstarrlet)'s status on Tuesday, 10-May-11 07:35:50 UTC

  1. I've finally found the latest episode on YouTube and I must say that the Season ender was not the way I expected.. it has only one song and it's nt very catchy.It doesn't have the "stuck in my head' characteristic and it was mixed with some Disney movie (The Cinderella) because of the whole glass slipper thing with rarity.. and yet it turned ot fine.. while the GGG was horrible asi expcted it, I remeber what Celestia said that the GGG was always this crazy.. My favorite part was Fluttershy gone insane and she was like. "YOU WILL LOVE ME!!!!" To the animals in Canterlot..that was unexpected becausein some episode she barly say "YAY!" Louder..haha..that madde my day.. andI'm still hoping that the second season will come out fine..

    Tuesday, 10-May-11 07:35:50 UTC from web in context