Jordan Cameron (tenmihara)'s status on Saturday, 31-Dec-11 05:10:19 UTC

  1. !terraria Hey everypony. I, Ten Mihara, am looking to organize a group event for fun. The details of this event are simple enough; we will are create new Hardcore characters in a new world, and work together to survive, while at the same time seeing who can last the longest without dying. The more players we have, the better our odds of surviving as a group are. There will be a prize(s) for the person who survives the longest while we progress through the game. The ultimate objective will be to complete all the major challenges of the game prior to the 1.1 hard mode patch (beating the 3 bosses, reaching the underworld, etc). If someone dies, their dropped gear will be distributed fairly amongst the remaining players so as to keep the group going. The last person surviving will be entitled to all the stuff dropped by previously deceased players, plus the prize at the end. If you wish to participate or have questions, send me a dash marked with the terraria group tag.

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 05:10:19 UTC from web in context