sb42 (sb42)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 19:56:08 UTC

  1. Loong Long time ago... I can still remember, how that Rainboom used to make me cry... And I knew if I had my chance, I could make those ponies dance, and maybe they'd be happy for a while. But that June made me shiver, as I saw how the season had delivered. Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take ONE more step. I can't remember if I cried when I read about Season 1's demise. But something touched me deeep inside, the day, the Season died. And I was singing: Byee Byee Season 1 oh my, drove my balloon to Cloudsdale and I sat there and cried. And those good old pegasi were drinking # and eating pie, singing this will be the day that I die.... This will be the day that I die......

    Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 19:56:08 UTC from web