Macaraccoon (dasourmacaraccoon)'s status on Sunday, 12-Feb-12 19:41:31 UTC

  1. Sexism, Sexism is not a female gender locked class wearing skimpy outfits, No, It would be sexist if they were wearing dresses and only skills were for making sandwiches or kitchen relate classes, No you know what would REALLY drive that home? If the character just shut off the game and fired up cooking mama for you. That'd be sexist..But it's not what the game does is it? No, The game gives them equality. You'd have to be a radical equality obbessed liberal murdock, to think that the Sorceress and Vanquisher because of Genderlock are Sexist, You'd have to be a pathetic waste of life who spends every waking moment in front of his computer looking up how the world is out to each other and why anything old is bad, You'd have to be THAT pathetic.. But, You guys are not are you? On half of the Sorceress, Vanquisher, Assassin, and all of the other female classes, I say.. Grow up and deal with it.

    Sunday, 12-Feb-12 19:41:31 UTC from web