phoebe or phee's home timeline


  1. I wished happy birthday to the pretty girl on an private message on FB today. I feel so alpha

    Saturday, 06-May-17 02:19:15 UTC from web

    Friday, 05-May-17 22:33:13 UTC from web
    • .

      Thursday, 04-May-17 01:12:49 UTC from web
      • i hate it when i check my social thingies and there are messages for me, it can only be problem

        Thursday, 04-May-17 00:59:25 UTC from web
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          Thursday, 04-May-17 00:57:56 UTC from web
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            Thursday, 04-May-17 00:11:53 UTC from web
            • Meck, i wonder what is wrong eityh my brain to stoo responding every single time a girl talks to me (i'm almost 26, BTW)

              Wednesday, 03-May-17 23:16:36 UTC from web
              • 必負

                Wednesday, 03-May-17 23:08:03 UTC from web
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                  Wednesday, 03-May-17 23:05:44 UTC from web
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                    Wednesday, 03-May-17 23:05:30 UTC from web
                    • Magic

                      Wednesday, 03-May-17 01:09:25 UTC from web

                        Wednesday, 03-May-17 00:47:31 UTC from web
                        • .

                          Tuesday, 02-May-17 01:52:36 UTC from web
                          • kitty is not feelign well =(

                            Tuesday, 02-May-17 01:42:37 UTC from web
                            • .

                              Monday, 01-May-17 22:36:32 UTC from web
                              • yugioh bizarre adventures

                                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 23:09:29 UTC from web
                                • @nerthos We adopted a new kitty to play with the first one. THey're not much of firends yet, but i've heard that is normal in the first days

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 22:10:47 UTC from web
                                  • @mushi Such a cute kitty. And yeah, if a cat is used to being alone, they'll be a bit hostile to newcomers for a bit, but since they're kittens it's likely they'll get along fine once they get used to eachother. Encourage them to play together, and periodically move their food bowls closer to eachother so they get comfortable around the other.

                                    Monday, 01-May-17 08:45:02 UTC in context
                                • Drake and Josh but instead of Megan it's Negan.

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 16:04:50 UTC from web
                                • My family are getting crazy, time to go lock myself in the room and sleep.

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:24:53 UTC from
                                • so we lose anyting important in persona 5 if we decide to not date anyone?

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:18:34 UTC from web
                                • Maybe a better question. Why is Kingdom Hearts.

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:22:29 UTC from web
                                • WHen she tells me she doeant like childrn cardgames

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 00:42:23 UTC from web
                                • i am the simpsons of RDN: i did every joke first and nobody thinks i am funny in 2017

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:18:54 UTC from web
                                • .

                                  Sunday, 30-Apr-17 02:22:18 UTC from web
                                  • NIntendo of america hates happiness

                                    Saturday, 29-Apr-17 22:19:59 UTC from web
                                  • .

                                    Friday, 28-Apr-17 17:20:48 UTC from web
                                    • Kizuna ai is the only youtuber worth watching

                                      Friday, 28-Apr-17 00:30:37 UTC from web
                                      • the Kitty's growth

                                        Wednesday, 26-Apr-17 00:13:51 UTC from web
                                        • damn, I can only think of 46 albums

                                          Tuesday, 25-Apr-17 20:25:18 UTC from web
                                        • someone might find it interesting

                                          Tuesday, 25-Apr-17 20:02:01 UTC from web