punchpacker subscriptions

These are the people whose notices punchpacker listens to.

  • CEИU cenu CEИU West Coast, USA

    I don't rightly know how to describe myself. But I can name my interests: My Little Pony (DUH), Tetris, Living, Loving.

  • Odin odin Odin Valhalla, Asgard https://twitter.com/todiwan

    I am a student, living in the capital of Serbia, studying to eventually become an astrophysicist. My all-encompassing goal in life is the advancement of our species as a whole, through the small, as well as the big things, with the help of logic and reason. I am passionate about science and the promotion of science, and I enjoy helping people in my free time. I have been around in the brony community since January 2011, when the first group of bronies split away to create the foundations of the fandom, and I am still involved with that group. Due to the fact that I follow proper logic above all else, I am not very likely to respect irrational decisions and views (or people who make/hold them), which, for example, includes things such as nationalism or any kind of irrational discrimination.

  • cabal cabal

    Founder of Rainbowdash.net

Groups 0



    User ID
    Member since
    31 May 2011
    Daily average
