Jimmy's home timeline


  1. anyways, off to bed for me. I'll be on more often for at least the next 9 days after tomorrow since I'll have the week off from work.

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 09:23:16 UTC from web
  2. to be fair that was assuming each piece was $10, but usually it ran $20-30 each, some being as high as 60-80, so I've probably spent way more rofl

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 09:07:28 UTC from web
  3. By my rough calculations, I've spent at least $1,000 in furry art and/or furry art accessories in the last 1 year 1 month and 26 days. Oops.

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 09:04:09 UTC from web
  4. a gay

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 04:55:36 UTC from web
  5. also holy murdock Alex's avatar is a pony ew what is this world coming to

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:49:39 UTC from web
  6. ALEX

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:44:55 UTC from web
  7. waitwhat

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:47:56 UTC from web

      Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:47:03 UTC from web
    • K R E Y G A S M

      Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:41:07 UTC from web
    • Ships with Ross always sound painful. The FlamingEllie.

      Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:45:33 UTC from web
    • hell yeah my fellow stone-ers toke it up four hundred and twenty *sips bong water*

      Friday, 09-Jan-15 08:19:24 UTC from web