Simon Richardson's home timeline


  1. The link in my chrome extension doesn't work, but it does turn red. RAVE PARTY

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 02:53:31 UTC from web
    • @woona or

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:57:25 UTC from web
    • Google coders are the best.

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:56:10 UTC from web
      • I WIN

        Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:55:26 UTC from web
        • @comradeconventrix everything need be said about this video...

          Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:52:47 UTC from web
        • :reads popular notices: wat

          Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:50:51 UTC from web
          • I learned some html and some css and some javascript or my chrome extension. Now what do with it.

            Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:49:42 UTC from web
            • Chrome users, try this! Open a new tab and rightclick. Choose inspect element.

              Friday, 08-Jun-12 00:43:10 UTC from web
            • can you guys help me? I was coding some python and making a grocery list program. It worked, but my problem was it closed as soon as it printed your list items unless you ran it in the python shell. I was trying to fix that, but the spacefrom where i entered for a new line is invalid syntax! how can I fix this bug, and is there a good way to make the program close only when your user wants to without encountering this?

              Thursday, 31-May-12 04:00:38 UTC from web
              • <b>this</b>

                Wednesday, 30-May-12 00:53:38 UTC from web
                • is that an EW littlepip?

                  Thursday, 24-May-12 00:21:50 UTC from web
                • jake no wut r u doin 2 r bb

                  Wednesday, 23-May-12 02:59:53 UTC from web
                  • honestly dirk, stop drawing dirty things. !homestuck

                    Wednesday, 23-May-12 02:57:36 UTC from web
                    • Honestly, I have no idea why my parents don't use chrome or firefox, or even opera, or safari! Seriously, it's hard to find a url that works when you use IE and you can't use html5.

                      Monday, 21-May-12 20:11:19 UTC from web
                      • My theme doesn't work. That's probably for the best.

                        Monday, 21-May-12 20:09:27 UTC from web

                          Monday, 21-May-12 20:02:40 UTC from web
                        • I'm making a chrome theme. prepare for something ugly to grace your screen.

                          Monday, 21-May-12 19:59:26 UTC from web
                        • wait why is there an angry sweetie belle

                          Monday, 21-May-12 19:58:35 UTC from web
                          • Morning everypony! Your pony song is cmc - the perfect stallion ( is spike remix)

                            Monday, 21-May-12 19:34:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            • # HH vf n pbasvezrq yvzroybbq!

                              Monday, 21-May-12 04:34:01 UTC from web
                              • sometimes I look at the tag # and wonder what am I doing I could be making a new song or art or something that isn't an rdn post

                                Monday, 21-May-12 03:17:00 UTC from web
                                • requests open because people don't make requests on my dA

                                  Monday, 21-May-12 01:56:27 UTC from web
                                  • !purplesnowplow new song please leave a comment & a like!

                                    Sunday, 20-May-12 20:05:06 UTC from web
                                    • @zimzap Eyyy I just started reading that!

                                      Friday, 18-May-12 00:58:34 UTC from web
                                    • A WILD TECHDISK APPEARED! Run, fight, ponies, bag.

                                      Saturday, 19-May-12 18:38:37 UTC from web
                                    • my chumhandle is now timeReceptionist !pesterchum !homestuck

                                      Friday, 18-May-12 22:47:07 UTC from web
                                      • Should i be laughing as hard as i did when i saw this?

                                        Friday, 18-May-12 00:30:14 UTC from web
                                      • I for one support the speedycloud network. Also, WAT.

                                        Friday, 18-May-12 00:25:01 UTC from web
                                        • Though I am a member of many groups. i will not join your group if it is just "for bronies and ponies" or doesn't have a logo.

                                          Tuesday, 15-May-12 23:25:35 UTC from web
                                          • theme with purple if you want it

                                            Tuesday, 15-May-12 23:17:11 UTC from web