sasha's favorite notices, page 4

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  1. @vvillenave The # intentionally rejected being on # or # so they chose... # and # #!

    Sunday, 11-Nov-12 23:36:38 UTC from at 9°55'59"N 84°10'59"W

    Sunday, 11-Nov-12 04:31:42 UTC from web
  3. Really happy with how the # campaign went! Also happy for the first time in months to be able to think about non-campaign things!

    Saturday, 10-Nov-12 14:00:28 UTC from at 41°51'0"N 87°39'0"W
  4. mccoy(Ddin't bother renaming since the hostname was already that) Now has a massive 512 mb of memory(Seems I may have discovered an antifeature. it doesn't like taking memory sticks larger than 256 mb, the original amount :/)

    Friday, 09-Nov-12 17:40:03 UTC from
  5. current ideas for mccoy: gopher server, bittorrent seed box(distros and free media,) media holding server(backups of rss feeds, etc.) anything else? :)

    Friday, 09-Nov-12 18:53:13 UTC from
  6. @jla I think mccoy would be out b/c I'll save that for a system that I recover stuff on :)

    Thursday, 08-Nov-12 21:11:59 UTC from in context
  7. Thanks. Now very focused on the Nov 21th event in Finland, to show the OS, UI and SDK.

    Thursday, 08-Nov-12 13:02:22 UTC from
  8. Rat walked across my keyboard and deleted all the uncommitted files in my git repository by hitting some keys in magit #

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 23:07:55 UTC from at 41°51'0"N 87°39'0"W
  9. @tekk note: requires SRFI 43(Standard Vector Library)

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 19:04:38 UTC from
  10. @tekk and sure enough :) (lambda (vect item) (vector-append (vector-copy vect 0 (- item 1)) (vector-copy vect item)))

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 19:03:40 UTC from
  11. I just don't know what you want me to do about it. It doesn't seem fair to silence or kick someone because they ask bad questions.

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 20:49:45 UTC from at 45°30'31"N 73°35'16"W
  12. I think I've officially come to the conclusion that an ideal future involves actually making a living off of scheme

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 17:38:47 UTC from
  13. My brother has had a Kindle Fire all of two days before DRM messed up his experience. DRM: Bad for everyone.

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 18:50:17 UTC from web in context
  14. I am so sorry that the poll feature that nobody wants is so popular it's flooding your timeline.

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 17:15:36 UTC from at 45°30'31"N 73°35'16"W in context
  15. I will probably see @rms today again. He is giving a talk in Helsinki. !fsf

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 12:25:17 UTC from at 60°12'18"N 24°39'7"E in context
  16. Thought of improving on Dr. Ashen's "peerless reference work". Unfortunately Lulu only supports 8-bit colourspaces. Only 256 Shades of Gray.

    Tuesday, 06-Nov-12 10:10:52 UTC from
  17. "You should pick a good english car, like a Ford or something" - My brother.

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 14:43:53 UTC from web in context
  18. Apparently AP style guide finally says that email should be spelt "email". Good job catching up with tech community of 2001 (RFC 2821). =)

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 12:34:53 UTC from
  19. !listening to Massive Attack

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 09:29:32 UTC from at 56°9'24"N 10°12'38"E
  20. >Buy an AE86 >Profit.

    Saturday, 03-Nov-12 17:44:28 UTC from web in context
  21. Orbital / Beelzedub (Wonky, 2012)

    Saturday, 03-Nov-12 04:59:20 UTC from
  22. @jla I seen that last night. Was impressed someone used Slayer in an ad. :)

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 22:13:34 UTC from at 38°34'36"N 92°10'24"W in context
  23. @jla I was literally WTF-ing at that ad.

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 21:58:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  24. The world's most serious crime.

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 21:34:30 UTC from at 41°51'0"N 87°39'0"W in context
  25. professor skipped 2 classes in a row, that is what i call an exemple

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 16:22:21 UTC from web in context
  26. @jla In my defence, most Dutch people are fairly terrible at the English language. Little things like games not being available in our native language, but in German and English most of the time does generally improve your knowledge of said language, as you start to learn early, especially because games are a fun medium for learning, well, anything, really. Therefore, I believe that the fact that we are a fairly small country for which a lot of products don't get translated is the main reason we score high, even though most people I talk to still have a fairly low English skill. At least, in my opinion, and I understand that it may be biased because I barely speak English with foreigners compared to how often I do with other Dutch people (which is, as you may expect, fairly often during English class). Long story short, I'm pretty proud of my country for once.

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 12:47:21 UTC from web in context
  27. Off to Manchester now to see @gigaramnebula! See you all later! <3 SQUEEEEE

    Thursday, 01-Nov-12 09:30:14 UTC from web in context
  28. University of Waterloo attampting to switch from DropBox->OwnCloud Good for them!

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 21:37:56 UTC from at 41°51'0"N 87°39'0"W
  29. @timttmy One of my favourites, as used to be, I haven't heard it in years, on vinyl and need new stylus

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 20:39:39 UTC from at 52°35'7"N 2°7'22"W
  30. @jla in that case it would be using more resources(less stuttering == bigger cache == more memory used)

    Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 18:42:01 UTC from in context