Timeline for sageandsavant list by scribus

Scribus scribus sageandsavant Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 1
  1. Is rhynopoxy the glue they use for nose jobs?

    about 5 days ago from web
  2. Also because I spilled wine all over my laptop last night. It's working, I dried it out OK and cleaned the best I could, but the keyboard is a little bit . . . crispy, now.

    about 8 days ago from web
  3. @zeldatra That looks like a fun one, I really need to get my desktop fixed (again)

    about 8 days ago from web in context
  4. Well... Got a cheap burner so I can lay my old Blackberry to rest

    about 11 days ago from web in context
  5. @zeldatra Such realism tho (/s(?))

    about 12 days ago from web in context
  6. @adiwan Dag, yo

    about 15 days ago from web in context
  7. @adiwan What about Madchen Amick?

    about 16 days ago from web in context
  8. @adiwan You mean they aren't using Unicorn magick?!

    about 18 days ago from web in context
  9. @adiwan And this new standard coming out next year? We'll need you to have three years experience in it by then.

    about a month ago from web in context
  10. I had a hollow belly but then I filled it with too much Taco Bell

    about a month ago from web
  11. @adiwan I get not wanting to tell the exact same story in the exact same way again, like what's the point of that, but if it's not AT ALL the original story then what's the point of THAT?!

    about a month ago from web in context
  12. @dezzierose What "what"? lol

    about a month ago from web in context
  13. thank god a highly experienced gynecologist showed up as probably one of the last things i'll see before this site dies

    man i'll miss this place

    about a month ago from web in context Repeated by scribus
  14. @adiwan Sadly, Chronus hasn't updated his address since, like, BCE

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  15. @adiwan It keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  16. Had a dream about a local government program called the "ACT act," where ACT stood for "Act, Collaborate, Teach." I think I actually woke myself up laughing.

    about 2 months ago from web
  17. @awl Envy, lol. They were supposedly vivible from about an hour away from my house, but I didn't trust that I would be the only one making the drive, kinda expected a horde of headlights to drown it out :-/

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  18. Did anybody get to see the recent aurorae?

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  19. Or "it dat batt cap" for the kids

    about 2 months ago from web
  20. Mostly, though -- it's that battery capacity

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  21. @adiwan Yeah, I was more thinking along the lines of, "It's not a 5G with a keyboard, but it is 5G from a company that does make keyboarded phones." And it's not like I need the projector but it might be a fun party trick, lol

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  22. Well it doesn't have a keyboard, but it does have seven times the battery, cooling fans, and a projector that I otherwise would never have even considered to include but actually does seem kind of fun https://www.unihertz.com/products/tank-3-pro

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  23. Speaking of tools, boy oh boy the morons at T-Mobile are right up there with the tissue-paper anvil

    about 2 months ago from web
  24. @adiwan "Pisterre" lol

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  25. I bet the self-loathing among journalists is either sky-high or dead zero

    about 2 months ago from web
  26. @zeldatra Shady dude, eh?

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  27. @adiwan Not yet; I can't even schedule a fingerprinting appointment

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  28. Oh my User the UPS application process is practically a lottery at this point ;_;

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  29. Grape

    about 2 months ago from web
  30. @adiwan Can you get guitar pedals in there so you can mod your voice like Frampton?

    about 2 months ago from web in context