Users self-tagged with john, page 1

  • John Herrinton skypegasusreadings John Herrinton Equestria

    How i became A fan of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic I first saw some MLP posts on a Fan site for the film Avatar called Tree of souls of which I'm a huge fan of, And they where talking about MLP & Bronies and I started wondering what all hype was about, So a few mounts later I was scrolling through CHs on TV and saw that a few EP's of MLP season 3 where on so decided to check out this show that everyone's talking about and to understand why People love this show so much. And Boy I'd wish I'd found out about MLP years sooner the EPs from show to show where amazing in there art style and Writing to the interesting characters of which I related in a lot of ways to, (Rainbow Dash especially) I've only just finished watching the first season so I'm pretty excited to found out what ease this awesome series has to offer! As You can tell I could go on forever talking about talking about MLP, But I really just love how much the show has inspired me with learning to draw, But my one of my mane;) hobbies is weather & landscape photography I upload photos primareily;) to Instagram and Deviant.