shelbymitch subscriptions

These are the people whose notices shelbymitch listens to.

  • Tintin Ip lawl Tintin Ip Hong Kong

    A person who likes trains, ponies and runs a fictional ironworks. Be very scared.

  • suclearnub suclearnub suclearnub Hong Kong

    #brony. I am not safe for tiny baby men. Also the role model of being awesome. Haters gonna hate. I'm #suclearlicious.

  • Fay Hung Cheung faycheung Fay Hung Cheung Hong Kong, China
  • edo lim edonike20 edo lim hong kong
  • Amber swanflecks Amber Hong Kong

    I'm only a pegasister who's devoted the fandom and the best interests for bronies. It's an honor to be part of loving and tolerating the crud out of non-bronies, all will be assimilated into the herd!

  • Hudson Hilliard reedbreeze Hudson Hilliard Hong Kong, China

    I'm a Hong Kong Brony and I tweet (@mlp_reedBreeze or @loafofnightlock) and also blog, watch MLP and etc.

  • Vincent Oliver N. metalunicorn1000 Vincent Oliver N. Hong Kong

    with the love of metal, gaming and ponies, a lot of people box me out... doesn't mean they all do. they just don't know what they are missing. sad for them...

  • Administrator Pony administrator Administrator Pony

    I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken.