Julia Puckett's home timeline


  1. Twilight Sparkle

    Monday, 11-Mar-13 06:34:31 UTC from web
    • Dear !utahbronies, Today I went to a season 3 mareathon with the folks from Utah County. https://www.facebook.com/groups/428624937206338/ Our hosts were very gracious and kind, fed us pizza and let us watch on their ginormous HD TV. Earlier my university group had a meet and we watched random pony videos, talked about pony stuff and watched FiW. Meanwhile in Slat Lake there was a great big meetup that I chose not to attend in favor of being with my new local brony friends... By the time somepony becomes active in this group, I may be passed on, but I'd like posterity to know that there was once a vibrant active pony fandom community in Utah. - Your faithful member, Pony.

      Sunday, 03-Mar-13 07:20:56 UTC from web
    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200671263929830 !utahbronies meetup results

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:57:23 UTC from web
      • # It seems like it could be traditions that were popular in other places, such as Manehattan and Fillydelphia and Canterlot and such, that were carried along by some who enjoyed partaking in those traditions.

        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 22:52:44 UTC from web
        • @shadowbright01 Yippeee.

          Saturday, 16-Feb-13 02:54:36 UTC from web
        • I have MLP trading cards! So happy!

          Saturday, 16-Feb-13 02:53:56 UTC from web
        • SO CLOSE to getting my grades fully up! *giant grin*

          Friday, 15-Feb-13 22:50:13 UTC from web
        • @mushi thanks.

          Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 23:42:23 UTC from web
        • I'm dead... :'(

          Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 23:27:21 UTC from web
        • I F'd up my foot pretty bad at school today hurts like hell.

          Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:55:46 UTC from web
        • My mother's laughing and singing at the television. They're right at the part where Mufasa dies

          Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:48:30 UTC from web
        • @snowcone That would make a pretty good episode, actually.

          Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:46:39 UTC from web
          • @vt3c Anytime. ^-^

            Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:45:37 UTC from web
          • # # Rarity finds Spike cute..

            Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:18:16 UTC from web
          • im not sure how i feel about twilight becoming a alicorn

            Monday, 04-Feb-13 23:25:20 UTC from web
          • # If Luna can watch over dreams, then either the obvious: Celestia watches over daydreams, or else Celestia could do something else, like just watch over the waking deeds of Equestria and keep everything peaceful. I think Celestia mainly keeps Equestria from becoming similar to Earth. But that's just me.

            Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:56:43 UTC from web
          • To everypony here on RDN, I'm officially caught up on MLP and I intend to keep it that way..., hopefully.

            Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:58:28 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies Pre-registration is up for the Crystal Mountain Pony Convention (formerly Equestriacon), to be held at the Red Lion Hotel in SLC. http://www.crystalmtponycon.com/index.html

            Sunday, 03-Feb-13 00:28:51 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies B.U.C.K. group page (Bronies of Utah County Konnect) https://www.facebook.com/groups/428624937206338/ next meetup date is Feb 16 at 7 pm

              Wednesday, 30-Jan-13 08:08:31 UTC from web
              • Finished reading chapters 2 and 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird.God I really freaking hate this book.

                Tuesday, 29-Jan-13 00:16:10 UTC from web
              • Aside from the whole "Kill a fish, blow up the moon" thing, the lessons Avatar: The Last Airbender teaches are just great. Far better than that one other show with the horses.

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 22:32:46 UTC from web
              • !utahbronies https://www.facebook.com/events/447037938701493/ another SLC meetup, this one, like the Orem one, will be a screenign of the Brony Documentary I guess

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 09:52:55 UTC from web
                • !utahbronies I'm so happy there's going to be a meetup less than 20 minutes away! (in Orem) http://www.facebook.com/groups/252275708122162/permalink/595381327144930/

                  Monday, 28-Jan-13 08:58:12 UTC from web
                  • !utahbronies I find it amusing that it's named the same as the UK con. XD I'm totally going to this, http://www.facebook.com/groups/252275708122162/permalink/595628950453501/

                    Monday, 28-Jan-13 08:49:12 UTC from web
                    • I'm finally getting back (kinda back) into MLP for the first time in probably a month or two. I've been having issues. I've only seen ... 3 episodes of the newest season, and only because my best friend made me, but at least it's better than 0 episodes seen, right? I hope all I need is time, and more Ponies. Hopefully to go to a meetup next chance I get, but honestly doubtful. We'll see, eh?

                      Sunday, 27-Jan-13 09:33:55 UTC from web
                      • Hey Bronies! I am from Las Vegas and moved up to SLC not to long ago, any meet ups of any sort going one? !utahbronies

                        Monday, 21-Jan-13 23:44:39 UTC from web
                      • β€œIt's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. "So it is." "And freezing." "Is it?" "Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately.” ― A.A. Milne !Utahbronies

                        Friday, 11-Jan-13 20:49:02 UTC from web
                        • !utahbronies nice work mang http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200430558477247&set=o.252275708122162&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

                          Sunday, 06-Jan-13 19:38:44 UTC from web
                          • I feel like I don't have a social life. I'm sitting on the computer on a Friday night, no friends to hang out with, ever... and yeah.

                            Saturday, 10-Nov-12 03:02:55 UTC from web
                          • @risorahn Max is this the max I think it is? Tuttle

                            Monday, 29-Oct-12 04:15:36 UTC from web