Silver Line's home timeline


  1. hello everypony ^.^

    Friday, 27-Feb-15 19:09:26 UTC from web
  2. Wow, I never thought I'll experience waking up to confront the authorities this early in the morning. Apparently we have a prowler that presumably wants to tap into the electricity.

    Friday, 27-Feb-15 18:42:23 UTC from web
  3. @rednorth Hey friend, if you're reading this, first of all, your coloring is awesome, and secondly I need the .PSD of the art piece. I'll have to rearrange, do few fixes, generally do some work that needs to be done so we could finish off this masterpiece. I hope to see you online today.

    Friday, 27-Feb-15 18:36:19 UTC from web
    • Oh well, time to get back to work then, we still have a good chunk of hours left to put into the said piece.

      Friday, 27-Feb-15 18:34:03 UTC from web
      • I'm back, got the color from the email. I'm impressed.

        Friday, 27-Feb-15 18:33:21 UTC from web
        • Alright, see you soon RDN, that was a classical time with you. Babye~

          Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:45:13 UTC from web
        • @rednorth Hey friend, look a little closer, you ear is brown. Kek.

          Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:25:38 UTC from web
        • Last 15 minutes, boy have I been gone for some time.

          Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:29:00 UTC from web
          • No biggie, a little layer arrangements and we could make it immaculate again.

            Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:28:44 UTC from web
            • Well now "the office incest" is in my search history. I do it for you lot

              Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:20:13 UTC from web
            • look at that LUSHOUS HAIR

              Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:23:48 UTC from web
            • A few lifts, a nice, cold bath. I'm pretty much set and good to go.

              Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:21:37 UTC from web
              • With Humans having an innate ability to recognize faces, I wonder if aliens will understand Emoticons as readily as we do? Will they laugh at any who proposes that a :D is even a face and not a word of Danger and sex?

                Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:11:25 UTC from web
              • we arent scared of russia

                Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:11:10 UTC from web
              • Think of your typical d-bag. Now multiply him tenfold, make him terrible literacy in english and native tongue. Make him overactive with libido and there, you have a reason to drag someone to the principal's office.

                Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:06:08 UTC from web
              • Hmmm. Never suspended, I have immaculate records but disturbing cases where it involves confrontation to a point I got someone expelled by dragging him into the principal's office.

                Friday, 27-Feb-15 01:04:53 UTC from web
                • Sex ed should be taught very early.

                  Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:49:50 UTC from web
                • What is DARKW00D DOING?!

                  Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:59:02 UTC from web
                • Some did turn out to be felons, but that's irrelevant.

                  Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:50:15 UTC from web

                  Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:46:14 UTC from web
                • Heh, last year my English teacher thought I was his star student, until I made a risque joke about his "fake enthusiasm" he took it to heart and wish death upon me. He even got the whole class involved, saying no one will pass unless they ace the finals. So I did, now that children, is how you make a nemesis. To be honest, I feel disgusted when people fake their enthusiasm just to make it look that they're effective in class.

                  Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:45:20 UTC from web
                  • have good day i am done

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:39:49 UTC from web
                  • @beatstrings well theres your hair

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:38:47 UTC from web
                  • yo momma so stupid she tripped over a cordless [hone

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:16:03 UTC from web
                  • i feel like i should spend this much time on coloring my other projects :/ it just looks... better

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:10:56 UTC from web
                  • Hello everybody!

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:28:27 UTC from web
                  • Have you ever wasted a small bottle of talcum powder just so you could "skate" in your room?

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:09:12 UTC from web

                    Friday, 27-Feb-15 00:07:29 UTC from web
                  • @beatstrings how do like this color style?

                    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 23:52:18 UTC from web
                  • why do eyes still burn?D:

                    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 23:59:45 UTC from web